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Enhance your
Japanese language ability
to open a bright future

Nakamura Eisu Gakuen is
Japanese language school/specialized training college in Fukuoka,
with time proven 70-year history.

[High Academic Advancement and Employment Rates!] [Attentive Academic and Career Guidance!] [2-year Student Visa]

Learning Japanese language
with broadening knowledge
leads you to
academic advancement
and career.

We provide education
arranged according to each student’s Japanese language ability.

Kyushu Eisu Gakkan Japanese Language School, Japanese Language school of Nakamura Eisu Gakuen in Fukuoka, provides various courses to meet the needs of international students who intend to learn language skills ranging from basic to higher academic levels.
Experienced teachers and lectures in University Preparatory Course support students for advancing to higher education, as well as in Japanese Language Course to learn and master Japanese language skills. Each lesson is arranged according to students’ learning proficiency.
Kyushu Eisu Gakkan Specialized Training College has two courses: International Business Department for students to continue learning Japanese language and obtain professional knowledge and skills, and University Preparatory Department to develop ability in language and other subjects which are prerequisites for higher education.

Photo of Fukuoka City, the location of Kyushu Eisu Gakkan Classroom at Kyushu Eisu Gakkan

Kyushu Eisu Gakkan Japanese Language School

To enhance your Japanese language skills in stages and utilize them for the future

To enhance your
Japanese language skills
in stages and
utilize them for the future

We provide various courses to meet international students’ needs.
Our 2 Year and 1.5 Year University Preparatory Courses provide classes in basic subjects including mathematics, natural science, and social science, which are prerequisites to enter universities and colleges in Japan.
Eisu Gakkan is the only one academy in Fukuoka approved as Preparatory Education Course by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. This approval allows us to offer various courses to meet academic standards for entrance into universities in Japan. We also have 2 Year, 1 Year 9 Month, 1 Year 6 Month, 1 Year 3 Month, and 1Year Japanese Language Courses with intensive Japanese language lessons.

These courses are focused on enhancing Japanese language skills of students from beginners’ level to those high enough for examinations in Japan. Experienced teachers give Japanese lessons with proficiency-depending teaching.


Study on a 2 year visa to receive qualifications for university entrance examination
  • 1 Year 6 Month Course
  • 2 Year Course

Study on a 2 year visa to
receive qualifications
for university entrance examination

University Preparatory Course is comprised of Japanese language/culture and basic subjects including English, mathematics, besides physics and chemistry for students planning to major in natural sciences, and world history for liberal arts majors.
After completion of this course, qualification for university entrance examination in Japan is given to those who have graduated high school abroad or who have completed a curriculum equivalent to Japan’s high school education.
This course is also appropriate for those who have completed 12-year high school education abroad, and intend to enhance their Japanese language skills and advance knowledge on Japan’s affairs as well as basic subjects.
Kyushu Eisu Gakkan is the one and only school in the Chugoku, Shikoku and Kyushu areas that provides Preparatory Education Course Designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.

Merit of Kyushu Eisu Gakkan
  • Institution with Preparatory Education Course Designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and TechnologyAbout Preparatory Education Course
  • Productive and effective lessons by experienced teachers to prepare International Students for Examination of Japanese University Admissions
  • Tuition exemption for honor students!
After completion of this course, there is a possibility of entering university in Japan as well as Kyushu Eisu Gakkan Specialized Training College.
Learn Japanese Language Skills and Culture
  • 1 Year Course
  • 1 Year 3 Month Course
  • 1 Year 6 Month Course
  • 1 Year 9 Month Course
  • 2 Year Course

Learn Japanese Language Skills
and Culture

To students who intend to learn Japanese, we provide support in raising the four language skills including listening, speaking, reading, and writing, and in acquiring knowledge on Japanese culture, so that students will utilize them in their home country.
We have classes arranged based on students’ proficiency of Japanese.

Aims of Classes
  • In Beginners Class, students learn basics such as everyday conversation, sentence structures, vocabulary, and grammar.
  • Intermediate Class is to boost language skills for students who have mastered basic level Japanese.
  • Advanced Class is for students who have mastered the intermediate level Japanese, to further develop communication skills and knowledge about Japan in order to exercise them in interpretation and business activities in Japanese affiliate companies in their own country after graduation.
After completion of any level, students can go on to university and other schools.
Short-Term Course for Occasional Students/Auditors

We have Short-Term Full-Time Japanese Course for nonnative people with a short-stay visa (90 days) and spouses and family members of Japanese citizens with a long-term stay visa.
Students of all levels, from beginners to advanced learners, can learn in classes most appropriate for their learning purposes and Japanese language levels.Period of term: In principle, the course starts in April and October.
Total hours: 200 hours for 1 term. (5 days a week, Monday through Friday, 4 hours a day)Term period can be extended.

Online Learning

Online Learning

We started providing online lessons in 2020.
Online lessons are available to students in and outside Japan, except some overseas areas due to difficult communication conditions.

We also have plans to start global online distribution of our time-proven Japanese lessons soon.

Admission Requirements


Recruitment department

Courses Visa Status / Period Enrollment Capacity
University Preparatory Course Student: 2 years 2 years and 3 months 520
Japanese Language Course Student: 1 year and 3 months 80

Qualification Requiremants

Those who intend to enter university or professional training college in Japan should have completed high school education abroad.
(Students who have completed school education course of less than 12 years in their own country can obtain eligibility for university and professional training college in Japan after graduating from this course.)
A person who has ability equivalent or superior to Japanese Language Proficiency Test N5 Grade, or has completed 150-hour or longer Japanese language training.

Application Documents

Pre-Interview Questionnaire (Form is mailed on request or downloadable from our website)

Pre-Interview Questionnaire must be submitted to the email address below by the specified date.
Send to Kyushu Eisu Gakkan Japanese Language School

Entrance examination schedule

Semester Application Period The deadline for submission Application Period to
the Immigration Office for a Visa
January June ~ Aug. End of Aug. Beginning of September
April Aug. ~ Nov. End of Nov. Beginning of December
July Dec. ~ Feb. End of Feb. Beginning of March
October Mar. ~ May End of May Beginning of June
  • Schedule might be changed.
  • Submission date to Immigration Bureau may be modified every year.

Entrant Selection

Methods of
Entrant Selection
Written Examination: Japanese and English (On a scale of 0 to 100, 30 minutes each) and Interview (10 minutes)
Examination Venue Examination venues are set in major cities in China.
  • In case written exam and interview are not conducted at these venues, written exam and interview can be conducted online.
  • Online written exam and interview is regarded equal to in-person selection.
Examination Date
and Time
We will notify the date and time of examination to applicants or their agents, taking the situation of applications into consideration.
Announcement of
After examination, we will announce results of selection and notify the results to applicants or agents designated by this academy.


Course Examination fee Admission fee Facility fee Tuition Charges entrusted
to our collection
Total amount in the 1st year Due date
Japanese Language Course 30,000 70,000 60,000 580,000 January 45,500 785,500
April 65,500 805,500
July 59,500 799,500
October 54,500 794,500
University Preparatory Course 30,000 70,000 60,000 640,000 April 65,500 865,500
October 54,500 854,500

Charges entrusted to our collection

  • National Health Insurance fee: Approximately 19,000 yen per year in Fukuoka City
    National Health Insurance System covers both Japanese and non-Japanese residents in cases of sickness.
    If insured, the insurance will cover 70% of the medical expenses incurred for hospital/doctor treatments of illnesses and injuries. (The insured pay 30 % of medical expenses.)
    As all students enroll in this insurance on their entrance into this academy, we collect total amount of insurance fee to cover all years of schooling and pay them to the Health Insurance and Pension Section in Chuo, Sawara, and the other Ward Offices of Fukuoka City.
  • Medical checkup fee: 4,000 yen per year
    Yearly medical checkup (X-ray photos and blood test) is mandated by School Health Act.
    Students should pay the exam fee in advance.
  • Traffic Personal Accident Insurance fee: 5,000 yen
    This insurance covers medical costs and property damages due to a traffic accident. The insurance protects students against payment for damages caused by the accident.
  • Alumni Association membership fee: 10,000 yen (Enrollment fee 5,000yen, lifetime membership fee 5,000 yen)

Scholarship System

Scholarship system exempts honor students from tuition.

Entrants with outstanding results in our entrance examination are exempt from payment of full or part of their tuition.

Procedures from Application to
Entering Japan

  • STEP


    • Submit application documents
  • STEP
    Admission selection

    Admission selection

    • Entrance examination
    • Interview
  • STEP
    Result announcement

    Result announcement

    • Result notification
  • STEP
    Pay tuition/Take enrollment procedure

    Pay tuition/Take enrollment procedure

    • Submit Documents (Pay remainder of the screening fee, if you have a balance)
    • Apply for Certificate of Eligibility
    • Certificate of Eligibility is issued
    • Send the original Certificate of Eligibility
    • Enrollment procedure for school and dormitory
  • STEP
    Arrive in Japan and enter school

    Arrive in Japan and enter school

    • Obtain passport
    • Obtain visa
    • Enter Japan
    • Entrance ceremony

Campus Life

campus life

Develop Japanese language skills
through interaction
on campus

Japanese Language School and Specialized Training College of Nakamura Eisu Gakuen in Fukuoka hold various enjoyable events including school trip, bus tour, speech contest, sports meet, Christmas party and New Year’s party.
We also have events for students to talk and interact with people of Japan and other countries, as well as elementary school children, junior and senior high school students in the neighborhood.
Seasonal events, such as Tanabata Star Festival and Mame-maki or bean-scattering ceremony, are good opportunities where students have exposure to Japanese culture and customs.

Current Student Data

Japanese Language School Kyushu Eisu Gakkan Japanese Language School

Kyushu Eisu Gakkan Japanese Language School The sex ratio
Kyushu Eisu Gakkan Japanese Language School The nationality

Specialized Training College Kyushu Eisu Gakkan

Kyushu Eisu Gakkan The sex ratio
Kyushu Eisu Gakkan The nationality

Voice of alumnus

Zou Zhaonan/China/Graduated from Japanese Language Course of Kyushu Eisu Gakkan Japanese Language School/Entered Kyushu University School of Medicine

I passed university exam,
thanks to 18-month study and the teachers’ support at this school.

In October 2011, I came to Japan to enter Kyushu Eisu Gakkan Japanese Language School. It was very helpful that I could concentrate on Japanese which was essential to lay my foundation in Japan.
I had a long dream of studying medical science before I came to Japan. In those days, I thought I had enough academic ability and took the Examination for Japanese University Admission two times, but my results were far from successful.
The scores for Japanese were good but those of natural sciences were poor.
was told that judging from my poor scores, it would be very difficult for me to enter the Medical Department. I felt regretful.
When I had almost lost confidence in myself, my teachers gave me kind instructions, saying “When you give up, you lose. Try to make up for the bad score in the interview?”
Their guidance helped me regain confidence.
I could demonstrate my Japanese language skills well in the interview.
I owe it to my teachers’ support and 18-month study in the school that I was able to avoid overestimating my ability and pass the exam successfully. I am deeply thankful.

Gole Hari Bahadur/Nepal/Graduated from University Preparatory Department/Entered Kochi University

What is necessary to pass is
smiling and watching interviewers’ reactions

University Preparation Course had many classes on subjects related to University Entrance Exam, such as Japanese, English, mathematics, Japanese affairs, and general social sciences. The teachers were very kind and helpful.
Students in small classes were taught natural sciences or liberal arts separately depending on the fields they wanted to study at university.
As I wanted to major in liberal arts, they taught me Japanese in detail including composition, grammar, kanji characters, and vocabulary. There were various tests which helped me to develop academic competence.
I attended many university briefing sessions, and asked my teachers questions of what I didn’t understand before I decided to apply to Kochi University.
What I learned in the interview test is that it is very important to understand what the interviewers were asking, and to answer them and tell my views concisely and smoothly.
I believe it is also an important point to smile and carefully watch the interviewers’ reactions.
This school taught me that it is significant to broaden my mind while taking a close view.
I became aware that thinking about my future with wider view makes it possible to make my dreams true.

Gale Bipin/Nepal/Graduated from International Business Department/Hired by Yamabiko Ryokan

I’m working in Japan.

I am Gale Bipin, a member of the Class of 2017, the inaugural year of International Tourism and Culture College.
Since April 2017, I have been working for Yamabiko Ryokan, a hotel in Kurokawa Onsen, Kumamoto Prefecture.
My duties widely range from reception/information at the front desk to serving meals to cleaning guest rooms.
When I started working, it was very hard, but I hung in there, remembering what I learned at Kyushu Eisu Gakkan.
This ryokan, surrounded by affluent nature and clear air, reminds me of my home country.
As I have gotten used to my job, I was allowed to take a short trip home recently.
I am determined to continue working while brushing up my Japanese and improve myself so

Dormitory Guide

Nishijin International Dormitory

Nishijin International Dormitory

Nakamura Eisu Gakkan’s dormitory is in Nishijin, an academic district in Fukuoka.
【Address】6-9-20 Nishijin Sawara-ku Fukuoka-shi

Dormitory fees
  • The number of students in a room for 2 and a room for 4 are subject to change.
Private room Room for two Room for four
entrance fee
100,000yen 50,000yen 25,000yen
Deposit 60,000yen 30,000yen 30,000yen
Monthly rent 36,000yen 18,000yen 12,000yen
Provided in each room
  • desk
  • chair
  • lamp
  • bed
  • locker
  • air conditioner
  • bath with shower
  • washroom
  • separated toilet
  • LAN connection
Communal facilities
  • vending machine
  • laundromat
  • personal computer
  • gas stove and other cooking facilities

About Us

Message from President

We aim to nurture human resources for the globalization era
by cultivating students’ knowledge prerequisite for higher education and employment.

In the world society of the 21st Century, Japan plays an important role in economy and culture. Especially, Fukuoka City, where our institution is located, is developing as the gateway city to Asia and as a major international city.
In such advantageous circumstances, Kyushu Eisu Gakkan has provided the prospective youth from Asia and other areas with preparatory education for university and graduate school so that they can acquire knowledge necessary to study in academic institutions in Japan.
We are determined to develop global human resources through well-rounded education of Japanese language and culture, and contribute to international exchange and international peace as well.

I express my warmest welcome to new students, believing that our academy is the very best place for prospective young people to study diligently and receive extensive training.

Kyushu Eisu Gakkan Specialized Training College / Kyushu Eisu Gakkan Japanese Language School
President/ School PrincipalNAKAMURA Noboru
President/ School Principal NAKAMURA Noboru

Merit of Kyushu Eisu Gakkan

One and only Japanese language school designated as Preparatory Education Course in Fukuoka

There are many Japanese language education institutes for foreigners across Japan. Of them, schools which fulfill the setting criteria of facilities, curriculum and others are designated as Preparatory Education Course by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
There are many Japanese language education institutes for foreigners across Japan. Of them, schools which fulfill the setting criteria of facilities, curriculum and others are designated as Preparatory Education Course by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.

University Preparation Course of Kyushu Eisu Gakkan Japanese Language School is the one and only designated course in Kyushu.
Attendees of a typical Japanese language school are given a 1-year student visa, but students in Preparatory Education Course can obtain a 2-year student visa.
The quota of this course is the largest of the schools designated for Preparatory Education Course in Japan. The current number of students in this course is about 120.

70-year history and performance accomplishments
70-year history and performance accomplishments

Private Education Institution Nakamura Eisu Gakuen in Fukuoka established Kyushu Eisu Gakkan as a university preparatory school for Japanese students in 1951. In 1991, the institution added Kyushu Eisu Gakkan Japanese Language School for foreign students to enter university and graduate school in Japan.

Current students are from 20 countries
Current students are from 20 countries

To fulfil their dreams, such as gaining higher education and obtaining employment, the current students are from many countries around the world: China, Nepal, Malaysia, Vietnam, India, Sri Lanka, Russia, Myanmar, Uganda, Mongolia, Republic of Korea, the Philippines, and others.
Students who do not yet understand Japanese well do not have to hesitate to consult teachers with anything since some of the teachers are able to speak English, Chinese and other languages.

Experienced teachers
Experienced teachers

We have an array of devoted teachers with affluent expertise and experiences.
Kyushu Eisu Gakkan Japanese Language School has many teachers knowledgeable and experienced in teaching Japanese to each of the beginners, intermediate and advanced classes.
There are excellent Japanese language teachers teaching Japanese in Specialized Training College, also.
In University Preparatory Department of Specialized Training College and University Preparatory Course of Japanese Language School, there are teachers who teach specialized subjects: basics in mathematics, natural sciences, English and others.
International Business Department has capable teachers specialized in various fields, such as hospitality, geography, business manners, and the basics and exercises in computing.

Excellent, detailed guidance for career and higher education
Excellent, detailed guidance for career and higher education

Nakamura Eisu Gakuen has accumulated all records and materials about our students’ further education since its foundation, and given appropriate advice to individual university-bound students. Over 90 percent of the graduates are enrolled in university and graduate school every year.
Moreover, we properly support students whose aim is for employment in Japan.

Basic information

Official name
Private Education Institution Nakamura Eisu Gakuen
1-5-30 Maizuru Chuo-ku Fukuoka-shi, Fukuoka, 810-0073
Specialized Training College
Kyushu Eisu Gakkan
  • University Preparatory Department
  • International Business Department
Japanese Language School
Kyushu Eisu Gakkan Japanese Language School
  • Japanese Language Course
  • University Preparatory Course
President/ School Principal
Year of establishment
September 1951
Corporate authorization
Accredited by Fukuoka Governor/ Designated for Preparatory Education Course by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology/ Accredited by Association for the Promotion of Japanese Language Education


Kyushu Eisu Gakkan established
Kyushu Eisu Gakkan Specialized Training College Japanese Language School Japanese Language Course founded
Name of the school changed to Miscellanies School Kyushu Eisu Gakkan Japanese Language School on approval as miscellaneous vocational school
Designated as Preparatory Education Course by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
Kyushu Eisu Gakkan Specialized Training College University Preparatory Department established
Kyushu Eisu Gakkan Specialized Training College International Tourism and Culture Department established
Name of International Tourism and Culture Department changed to International Business Department


By Kuko Line (Airport Line) of Fukuoka City Subway
10-minute walk from Tenjin or Akasaka subway stations
By Omuta Line of Nishitetsu Train
10-minute walk from Fukuoka (Tenjin) station
By Nishitetsu Bus
1-minute walk from Nagahama 1-chome, the nearest bus stop Several minute walk from Tenjin-kita, Nanotsu-guchi, Tenjin 3-chome, Maizuru 1-chome, and Nishitetsu Grand Hotel Take 61 and 68 route buses from Hakata Bus Terminal via Tenjin